What a period it was! Here can read some of our Corona Updates from Greece, written between 202o and 2022 and listen to a Greek Song About… Staying At Home!

In the meantime, 2022 started with some sunny days here in Greece, as well as some snow as well…
Our daily walks in the Athens streets and parks continued, just like in 2020 and 2021. However, since now there is no corona curfew anymore and we are allowed to go further than our municipality, we can also go for daily trips towards the snowy mountains again…something which was not possible last winter.

In the meantime, the world news seems once again taken over by ‘corona’,  or “omikron”. The positive news; we are honored Greek letters are used for a pandemic :-), and the entire world gets the chance to learn the Greek alphabet. We realized many non-Greeks have no clue that the viruses are named after letters of the Greek alphabet, but fortunately, our dear students are very well aware 🙂 .
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With the Omilo Greek Diary you can listen to the Dialogue About Teaching the first Greek course in Nea Makri, 1997

Listen to Conversations and true stories in Greek, while learning a little bit of Omilo history! : )

With the extra Greek-English transcript and parallel text, which you can find under the video, you can also build your vocabulary

Omilo was founded in 1996 by Maya and Dimitris Andreadis, and the very first Omilo Greek Language and Culture Course took place in the village of Nea Makri, Attiki, in July 1997.
Sophia was the first teacher at Omilo, and was teaching several courses during 1997 and 1998.

Click here to listen to the first podcast episode,  a dialogue between Dimitris and Sophia

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In 2021 Omilo celebrates 25 years! However, a celebration in corona times is no fun, so we are waiting for a better moment 🙂
In the meantime, Maya and Dimitris (founders of Omilo) as well as several teachers will participate in interviews, videos and podcasts.

If you want to listen to more interviews in this chapter, click here.

Below is the first introduction by Maya (sorry for the bad quality of the recording! The next videos will be much of better quality)

Maya explains;
a. how Omilo came to life in 1996,
b. how and where the very first Greek Language and Culture course was organized in 1997,
c. how much fun we had…in times the internet did not exist yet 🙂 Read more

In 2021 Omilo celebrates 25 years! Unfortunately, a celebration in corona times is not ideal, so we will celebrate another year! 🙂
However, “the corona period” gave us some time to reflect, and write down history! There are so many memories and stories to tell.
Maya and Dimitris (founders of Omilo) as well as several teachers who were part of Omilo during the last 25 years, will participate in interviews, videos, and podcasts. Read more

Hello Dear Omilo friend!
Γεια σου αγαπημένη φίλη / αγαπημένε φίλε!

Today it’s Valentine’s Day, and one of those days we are supposed to be romantic, spending a nice day with our love, book a romantic dinner, go for a romantic walk…

Σήμερα είναι του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου! Μια μέρα που υποτίθεται ότι γινόμαστε πιο ρομαντικοί, περνάμε μία όμορφη μέρα με τον/την σύντροφό μας, πάμε για έναν ρομαντικό περίπατο στην πόλη… Read more

MASAREΣI, the Greek eShop and Blog introducing you to the “Real Greece,  already celebrated its first anniversary.
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Good news!  Καλά νέα!  Omilo teachers Konstantinos and Terpsi  completed the useful workbook for Beginners Levels in Greek.

This eBook is the companion workbook to the easy reader ‘Λυδία: Ένα καλοκαίρι στην Ελλάδα!’ (Lydia: A summer in Greece!).
If you do not possess this Easy Reader + Audiobook yet, or would like to get more info, then Click Here.

The workbook is intended for those who have already purchased the easy reader and wish to get the most out of it, going beyond a simple reading (and listening) of the story!
It consists of 12 units, exactly like the easy reader ‘Λυδία: Ένα καλοκαίρι στην Ελλάδα!’

Each unit has 6 exercises:
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People learning Greek, as a hobby,  are really special, and you do not meet them every day! However, Omilo was founded in 1996 and has welcomed so many students from every corner in the world, all wanting to learn Greek.
Over the years, we have heard the most amazing reasons why somebody wants to learn Greek, which we could never have imagined 🙂

Here below you can read a nice & true story,  written by Lesley: “How I heard about Omilo… and then registered immediately!”
Her story was sent to Omilo through our Essay Competition in 2015.
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Have you ever attended a Greek wedding or have you heard a Greek wedding song?
As probably in every country, every wedding is different; you can find various wedding customs, traditions, and songs, depending on the family and its roots and/or beliefs.

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January 2013 : A new ‘‘baby‘‘ was born within the Omilo team: ‘Φύγαμε για ελληνικά!’ Off we go to learn Greek, a Greek Language book for the intermediate level, + CD
April 2019 : The book was re-published, 2nd edition, + CD or MP3 Audio link

The proud parents are the Omilo teachers and authors Marina Braila, Konstantinos Oikonomou and Dora Stoimenidou (*).

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