The Greek alphabet is unique and special. It has survived thousands of years without significant changes. From the times of Omiros and Platonas, in Byzantine and Kavafis, it ended up in our times with barely any changes to it.
The Omilo teachers are happy to help you learning this beautiful Greek Alphabet!
And by the way, it is much easier than it might look.
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Syros island and Hermoupolis town, are locations our students love deeply.
Every Summer, since 2005, Omilo organizes Greek Language and Culture Courses on the Cycladic island of Syros.
After all those years, the island feels like a second home to the Omilo team, as well as to many returning students.
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Greek etymology, is something we often use in our Greek lessons.
But this time, we will use it to explain you a bit more about why we chose the name « omilo » or  » ομιλώ ».
« Omilo Greek Language and Culture » was founded in 1996, so we are around for many years 🙂 Even longer than « google » ! 🙂

And …in case you were wondering…

“Omilo” or « ομιλώ¨,  actually is a verb and means “I speak”!

Because at Omilo, we really try to focus on « speaking Greek »!

If you already know some Greek, then you now might wonder: Why “omilo » (ομιλώ) and not “milao” (μιλάω)?
Well, both verbs mean « I speak », but the latter is more used in the everyday Greek language, so you will hear it more.

Careful; when you pronounce « omilo », make sure you stress the LAST O, since also there is the stress in the verb; ομιλώ

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In May 2019 the Greek Easy Reader was published at Omilo, and since then proved to have made Greek language learners very happy!
The  ‘Λυδία: Ένα καλοκαίρι στην Ελλάδα!’ (Lydia: A summer in Greece!) is written for students at the Beginner levels in Greek.

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How to travel to Syros island, from Athens or Mykonos? Because Omilo organizes Greek Language and Culture courses on the island of Syros during the summer months, this is a question many Omilo students are asking us frequently.
First of all, if you looking for a 1- or 2-week course during summer, then click below and check out the dates and availability

For all the details and course dates of  the 1-week courses, click here

For all the details and course dates of the 2-week courses, click here

Second, here below you find details, tips and useful information on how most students travel from their country to the course location on Syros island.

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What a period it was! Here can read some of our Corona Updates from Greece, written between 202o and 2022 and listen to a Greek Song About… Staying At Home!

In the meantime, 2022 started with some sunny days here in Greece, as well as some snow as well…
Our daily walks in the Athens streets and parks continued, just like in 2020 and 2021. However, since now there is no corona curfew anymore and we are allowed to go further than our municipality, we can also go for daily trips towards the snowy mountains again…something which was not possible last winter.

In the meantime, the world news seems once again taken over by ‘corona’,  or « omikron ». The positive news; we are honored Greek letters are used for a pandemic :-), and the entire world gets the chance to learn the Greek alphabet. We realized many non-Greeks have no clue that the viruses are named after letters of the Greek alphabet, but fortunately, our dear students are very well aware 🙂 .
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Τι κάνετε; ‘Oλα καλά;
We hope you are fine, healthy, and safe, after nearly  2 “corona years”. But even in those difficult years, time flew…

We also would like to wish you a nice month of November and a beautiful Autumn.

Ελπίζουμε να είστε καλά, υγιείς και ασφαλείς μετά από σχεδόν 2 « χρόνια κορωνοϊού ». Ωστόσο, ακόμα και σε αυτά τα δύσκολα χρόνια, ο καιρός πέρασε πολύ γρήγορα… Θα θέλαμε επίσης να σας ευχηθούμε να έχετε έναν καλό Νοέμβριο και ένα όμορφο φθινόπωρο.

καλό μήνα! – καλό  Φθινόπωρο!

Greece celebrated its National Holiday and Oxi day celebration on October 28th, the time changed again to wintertime, we used our heating at home for the first time in 6 months, all the fruits on the weekly markets look very different from the summer (no melons or figs anymore, but now pomegranates, oranges, lemons, apples, mandarins…),  so we now realized we are in the full Autumn season.;-)

Η Ελλάδα γιόρτασε την εθνική της επέτειο και την ημέρα του Όχι στις 28 Οκτωβρίου, η ώρα άλλαξε πάλι σε χειμερινή, ανάψαμε τη θέρμανση στο σπίτι μας για πρώτη φορά μετά από 6 μήνες, όλα τα φρούτα στις λαϊκές είναι πολύ διαφορετικά από το καλοκαίρι (δεν υπάρχουν πεπόνια ή σύκα πια, αλλά τώρα έχουμε ρόδια, πορτοκάλια, λεμόνια, μήλα, μανταρίνια…), οπότε τώρα συνειδητοποιήσαμε ότι είμαστε στην καρδιά του φθινοπώρου! 😉

Because also for Omilo a new season starts again, in Athens, we just wanted to give you a small update.Our last “general corona update #6” was written in April 2021, announcing that we finally were allowed to start the 2021 intensive courses in Greece, from May onward.
And indeed, that is what happened…

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Τι κάνειςΕλπίζουμε να είσαι καλά.
We hope you are fine, healthy and safe, and keeping up with all the corona changes in your country, legal measures, vaccines, etc…
Since our dear students are coming from all over the world and we regularly hear updates and stories, it keeps amazing us how differently every country is dealing with this health crisis.
We hope you, or any of your friends/family, did not experience something very traumatic during the last months…
for all of you and us, things are difficult, but let’s try to stay positive, and keep up. The summer is nearly there, …and Greece will be always there 🙂

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In 2021 Omilo celebrates 25 years! Unfortunately, a celebration in corona times is not ideal, so we will celebrate another year! 🙂
However, « the corona period » gave us some time to reflect, and write down history! There are so many memories and stories to tell.
Maya and Dimitris (founders of Omilo) as well as several teachers who were part of Omilo during the last 25 years, will participate in interviews, videos, and podcasts. Lire la suite

Hello Dear Omilo friend!
Γεια σου αγαπημένη φίλη / αγαπημένε φίλε!

Today it’s Valentine’s Day, and one of those days we are supposed to be romantic, spending a nice day with our love, book a romantic dinner, go for a romantic walk…

Σήμερα είναι του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου! Μια μέρα που υποτίθεται ότι γινόμαστε πιο ρομαντικοί, περνάμε μία όμορφη μέρα με τον/την σύντροφό μας, πάμε για έναν ρομαντικό περίπατο στην πόλη… Lire la suite