January 2013 : A new ‘‘baby‘‘ was born within the Omilo team: ‘Φύγαμε για ελληνικά!’ Off we go to learn Greek, a Greek Language book for the intermediate level, + CD
April 2019 : The book was re-published, 2nd edition, + CD or MP3 Audio link

The proud parents are the Omilo teachers and authors Marina Braila, Konstantinos Oikonomou and Dora Stoimenidou (*).

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Kalo taksidi, dear Dora..
23/2/2014 : a sad day… Here a special tribute to Dora Stoimenidou, who was a very good friend, partner, colleague and one of the beloved Omilo teachers for 13 years. Dora was teaching during 85% of all the Omilo courses between 1999 and 2011, so most of the Omilo students have met her or had Dora as their teacher during that period.

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