Antonis Remos is a popular Greek singer who has many fans in Greece, as well as fans among the Omilo students 🙂
For many years, Remos was also one of the Greek coaches of the popular TV show “The Voice”.
During several intensive courses in Athens, over the years, we were lucky enough to be able to attend a concert of A. Remos.
Here you can watch two small videos taken during a concert the Omilo students and staff attended during the New Year course in 2015.
By watching the video, you can experience a bit of the atmosphere, and dream of your next visit to Greece 🙂
In this video, the first song you hear is: «Έλα να με τελειώσεις» by Ρέμος (2001) .
You can find the lyrics below, as well as the translation in English.
Below you can read the lyrics of one of his most popular songs: Έλα να με τελειώσεις!
Lyrics and Music
μουσική/ στίχοι: Γιώργος Θεοφάνους
Από τη μέρα που ’φυγες τον ήλιο έχω χάσει κι η νύχτα την καρδούλα μου αιχμάλωτη έχει πιάσει Έλα να με τελειώσεις μόνο εσύ μπορείς έλα να με τελειώσεις μη μου το αρνηθείς στο στήθος μου μη φοβηθείς μαχαίρι να καρφώσειςΕίσαι όλα ό,τι έχω και δεν έχω σου φωνάζω άκουσέ με δεν αντέχω άλλος να φιλάει τα χείλη που φιλούσα εγώ δεν υπάρχει λόγος πια να ζω μονάχος είμαι σαν το κύμα που το σπάει ο βράχος μου ’δωσες ζωή και έλα πάρ’ την πίσω σε παρακαλώ Από την ώρα που ’χασα εσένα από κοντά μου κομμάτια γίναν οι χαρές και τρόμος τα όνειρά μου | Since the day you left I have lost the sun Τhe night has captured my heart And imprisoned it Come and finish me off Only you can do it Come and finish me off Don’t turn me down Don’t be afraid To stab me in the chest You are all that I have and don’t have I’m calling you, listen to me I can’t stand somebody else To kiss the lips that I kissed There is no reason for me to live alone I am like a rock Broken by the wave You gave me life, come and take it back Please Since the moment I lost you Since you walked away from me Pleasure broke into pieces And my dreams turned into horror |
If you want to listen to the entire song again, with another video, then click here.
Did you like the song?
Here below one more video, taken during the same concert.
Click here to listen to the song ; Τι ήμουνα για σένα – Αντώνης Ρέμος
We hope you liked this song, and you will be soon able to attend a Greek concert by Remos in Greece, or abroad.
Are you interested to learn more about Greek music?
Then take a look at the eBooks, including;
information about the music genre,
composers, singers,
Greek songs with English translations,
and extra Greek exercises to improve your Greek?
Then take a look at the following eBooks, all made by the Omilo-team.