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Lefkada and Scorpios; Ionian islands

Lefkada and Scorpios belong to the Ionian islands.  Scorpios is a small island of 800 km2, very close to the east of Lefkada island, which was owned by the Onassis family till May 2013. While organizing the Greek course on the island of Lefkada, students regularly ask about Scorpios, its history and who has bought […]

“Kalo taksidi” Dora!

Kalo taksidi, dear Dora.. 23/2/2014 : a sad day… Here a special tribute to Dora Stoimenidou, who was a very good friend, partner, colleague and one of the beloved Omilo teachers for 13 years. Dora was teaching during 85% of all the Omilo courses between 1999 and 2011, so most of the Omilo students have […]