
Two Greek verbs that many Beginners and even Intermediate students find quite confusing are ‘παίρνω’ and ‘περνάω or περνώ’. Apart from the slightly different spelling, the main obvious cause of this confusion is the accentuation; it’s just a twist of the accent that makes these two words sound differently.
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How to say “I know” or “I know it”  in Greek.
Learn the present and future form of this verb

Since it is very useful to be able to say “I know”, “I know it” or “I do not know”, here below, we will explain the verb “ξέρω” in present and future tense
If you prefer to watch and listen to the video first, then click here and listen to teacher Terpsi

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The “Easy Greek Stories” podcast – Episode 11

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

If you are more advanced in Greek already, then also check the Ultimate Listening eBook

(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #11 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Γιατί χτυπούσε η καμπάνα στη Μήλο;
Why the church bell was ringing in Milos?

In this episode, Eva reads for you the story about how Dylan met Fanis, next to the Church bell on the island of Milos

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The “Easy Greek Stories” podcast – Episode 10

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

If you are more advanced in Greek already, then also check the Ultimate Greek Listening eBook

(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #10 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Ποιος θα πάρει τη δουλειά;Η Σία ή ο Πέτρος; Who will get the job?

In this episode, Myrto reads for you the story about the job interview of Sia and Petros

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The “Easy Greek Stories” podcast – Episode 9

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

If you are already more advanced in Greek, then also check the Ultimate Greek Listening eBook

(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #9 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Η Ιστορία του Μπεν και της Ζέτας στο βουνό Παρνασσός –
The story of Ben and Zeta on Mount Parnassos

In this episode, Eva reads for you the story about how Ben, from Holland and Zeta, from Greece, met each other on mount Parnassos

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How to say “I love …” in Greek  and useful sentences

One of those verbs you hear a lot in Greek songs, or you need when you fall in love with a Greek person,  is the verb “αγαπάω” = I love

It is a verb that we use in many everyday phrases. Below you will find some important expressions and the grammar on how to use and conjugate this verb. Let’s have a look!

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How to say “I come” in Greek and useful sentences

One of those useful verbs that you need to memorize when starting learning Greek is the verb “έρχομαι” = I come

It is a verb that we use in many everyday phrases. Below you will find some important expressions and the grammar on how to use and conjugate this verb. Let’s have a look!

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What a period it was! Here can read some of our Corona Updates from Greece, written between 202o and 2022 and listen to a Greek Song About… Staying At Home!

In the meantime, 2022 started with some sunny days here in Greece, as well as some snow as well…
Our daily walks in the Athens streets and parks continued, just like in 2020 and 2021. However, since now there is no corona curfew anymore and we are allowed to go further than our municipality, we can also go for daily trips towards the snowy mountains again…something which was not possible last winter.

In the meantime, the world news seems once again taken over by ‘corona’,  or “omikron”. The positive news; we are honored Greek letters are used for a pandemic :-), and the entire world gets the chance to learn the Greek alphabet. We realized many non-Greeks have no clue that the viruses are named after letters of the Greek alphabet, but fortunately, our dear students are very well aware 🙂 .
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The “Easy Greek Stories” podcast – Episode 8

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

If you are already more advanced in the Greek language, then also check the Ultimate Greek Listening eBook

(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #8 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Ημέρα Check-up – Check-up day.

In this episode, Myrto reads for you the story about the check-up day and the doctor’s visit of  Sophia.

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The “Easy Greek Stories” podcast – Episode 7

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.
If you are already more advanced, then also take a look at the Ultimate Greek Listening eBook

(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #7 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Μαγικά Χριστούγεννα: Από τη Σουηδία στο Ναύπλιο.

A Magical Christmas: From Sweden to Nafplion 

In this episode, EVA reads for you the story about the magical Christmas of her friend Amalia in the beautiful city of Nafplion.

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