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Accommodation In Nafplion, Peloponnese, While Learning Greek

Where to stay in Nafplion? If you only intend to visit Nafplion for just a night or two, or for a longer time, we always suggest choosing a hotel or room in the old town of Nafplion. However, if you are coming by car, and you want to park your car close to your hotel, […]

Easy Greek Stories Podcast #7 – A Magical Christmas

The “Easy Greek Stories” podcast – Episode 7 If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading […]


Greek literature; The Stories Of Its ‘Power Couples’!

What about reading a Greek book, while learning about modern Greek, through stories of famous people? It’s easy to get caught up with the exciting and dramatic times of Ancient Greece, but the history of the Greek state and nation ever since the Greek Revolution in 1821 (*), can be equally fascinating – and stormy! […]


Greek listening exercise – Saffron

Listen to the Greek text, improve your listening skills, while learning more about Saffron. Saffron is a delicious spice coming from the Krokos (crocus) flower, is growing in Greece and known since ancient times! Saffron is being used in many different ways: for its flavor in the kitchen, for its color in cosmetics and paint, […]