
When you start learning Greek, one of the verbs you will use often is “μιλάω” (“milao”), which means “to speak or to talk”.

For example, the following sentences might be very useful to know, when you travel in Greece:

“δεν μιλάω καλά ελληνικά” = “I do not speak Greek well”.

“μιλάτε αγγλικά;” = Do you speak English?

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With the Omilo Greek Diary you can listen to this Dialogue Teaching Greek at Omilo, during the very first course in 1997

Listen to Conversations and true stories in Greek, while learning a little bit of Omilo history! : )

With the extra Greek-English transcript and parallel text, which you can find under the video, you can also build your vocabulary

Teaching Greek at Omilo, Back In 1997



Omilo was founded in 1996 by Maya and Dimitris Andreadis, and the very first Omilo Greek Language and Culture Course took place in the village of Nea Makri, Attiki, in July 1997.
Sophia was the first teacher at Omilo, and was teaching several courses during 1997 and 1998. Read more

 In 2021 Greece celebrated a special anniversary on March 25th – Its 200 Υears Οf Ιndependence!

If you want to read more about this important National Celebration, the Greek National Anthem, useful vocabulary etc…
then click on the button below, for the article in English, Greek,
as well as a Greek -file Audio to improve your listening skills in Greek 🙂

To celebrate the 200 years since the Greek Revolution, the famous song of Dionysis Savvopoulos has been chosen for the official video clip of this event. See below.

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Hello Dear Omilo friend!
Γεια σου αγαπημένη φίλη / αγαπημένε φίλε!

Today it’s Valentine’s Day, and one of those days we are supposed to be romantic, spending a nice day with our love, book a romantic dinner, go for a romantic walk…

Σήμερα είναι του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου! Μια μέρα που υποτίθεται ότι γινόμαστε πιο ρομαντικοί, περνάμε μία όμορφη μέρα με τον/την σύντροφό μας, πάμε για έναν ρομαντικό περίπατο στην πόλη… Read more

As you all know, in Greece there are so many wonderful songs, singers, songwriters and composers. This time, we chose for you a beautiful, traditional love song from Crete. Listen to this sweet song and the sound of the Cretan lyre! Under the video, you will find the Greek Lyrics as well as the English translation. Maybe you can sing along… Enjoy!
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The town of Livadia is an interesting place, where stories of Greek mythology are still told today, as in many other regions in Greece.
Here you can learn about a Greek Myth, related to the town of Livadia.
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A traditional wedding is still “the norm” in Greece, since “traditions” are very popular in Greece!
Today, most couples in Greece still choose to get married, although nowadays they usually also  “live together” for a while before the wedding.

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Greek Music by Stavros Xarhakos and Alkistis Protopsalti! If you are you in love with Greek music, then listening to songs composed by  famous Greek composer Xarhakos and performed by famous Greek singer Alkistis Protopsalti should be added to your to-do list.

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