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Greek Podcast Story – A Magical Greek Christmas

Do you want to improve your listening skills, while learning more about Greek culture? Then here is a Greek Podcast story for you! Μαγικά Χριστούγεννα: Από τη Σουηδία στο Ναύπλιο. A Magical Christmas: From Sweden to Nafplion 


A Greek Christmas Carol, to sing along

What about listening  to a Greek Christmas carol, and/or sing along? On December 24th, if you are in Greece, do not be surprised when children ring your doorbell early in the morning! Τhe children go from house to house, singing about the birth of Jesus Christ, while holding their small metal triangles. Open them the […]

Learning Greek Prepositions – A guide

Learning prepositions in Greek can be both exciting and challenging. Prepositions, or “προθέσεις” , play an important role in connecting words and making sentences. While some Greek prepositions have clear equivalents in English, others require deeper understanding due to differences in grammatical structure and usage. Key Features of Greek Prepositions  

A Greek December Month

When we think about the Month of December in Greece, we usually think of winter and celebrations.  Let’s learn more about a typical Greek December Month.


The Greek Winter Song – By D. Savvopoulos

Did you ever experience a Winter in Greece?  Many people think it is always summer in Greece, but this Winter Song, proves it wrong. It might be not a known Greek Song, but the singer D. Savvopoulos is  very known ! Not all songs need to be about love, or the pain not to be […]

A Contemporary Greek Movie: Worlds Apart

If you are looking for a contemporary Greek movie, then Worlds Apart is a movie we can recommend. Watching films in Greek is a fun way to spend an evening at home and improve your Greek listening skills at the same time. At Omilo, we often organise film nights during the 1- and 2-week Greek […]

Learn How To Cook Greek Soutzoukakia!

Do you like Greek food? What about cooking a popular Greek dish yourself? Let’s learn how to cook Greek soutzoukakia ! Below the recipe for a tasty dish from Greece’s great culinary tradition?


Autumn in Greece

Autumn in Greece is full of surprises! Even though summer is probably the most popular season in Greece, for Greeks and non-Greeks, also autumn and winter have much more to offer than you might think! Since the Tourist Industry focuses on Greece as a typical country for summer holidays, not everyone knows that Greece is […]