Greek Language and Culture courses 2024 – Flashback 

2024 did not end yet, but before the Christmas season starts, and we will not find the time anymore to write articles, or make videos,
here a flashback to a great season of Greek Language and Culture courses in 2024!

We would like to thank all our students that joined the
1- week intensive programs,
2-week intensive programs,

or were taking
 online lessons,
private lessons,

as well as those
purchasing Omilo Publications,
and supporting us on social media,
writing thank you emails,
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ!

Τι περίοδος! Θα θέλαμε να ευχαριστήσουμε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες που πήραν μέρος στα μαθήματα Ελληνικών του Ομιλώ για το 2024,
καθώς επίσης και όσους αγόρασαν τις δημοσιεύσεις του Ομιλώ, παρακολούθησαν διαδικτυακά μαθήματα και μας υποστήριξαν στα social media,
έγραψαν ευχαριστήρια emails, κ.λπ…

Before we will show Athens to our next group again, and the announcement of all 2025 programs,
here a small selection of some comments and feedback we received during the 2024 courses !

 Πριν δείξουμε την Αθήνα στο επόμενο γκρουπ, εδώ θα δεις μια μικρή συλλογή από μερικά σχόλια
και ανατροφοδότηση που πήραμε κατά τη διάρκεια των προγραμμάτων του 2024.

Thank you so much, and wish you a very nice autumn and winter.
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ και σας ευχόμαστε όμορφο φθινόπωρο και χειμώνα.

Maya και Δημήτρης (The owners of the school)
maya dimitris andreadis


Many photos have been posted on social media, and every group received their special Photo Album, with link.
If you are curious, then click here; you can find an album of every course  on Facebook.


We are very happy so many students are willing to say something on video, so you can get a better idea,
with a nice background from Greece!

Click here and listen to different students
on our YouTube Channel.

testimonials youtube

Note; If you like what the students say, do not forget to “LIKE” the video as well,
or add your comment under the video.

Several videos of September and October 2024 are not included yet,
since Maya did not have time yet to edit and subtitle them, but they will be uploaded during winter.

Χαρήκαμε πολύ που τόσοι μαθητές ήταν πρόθυμοι να πουν κάτι σε βίντεο! Έτσι, μπορείς να πάρεις μια καλύτερη ιδέα, με όμορφο φόντο από την Ελλάδα .
Άκουσε διάφορους μαθητές μας στο κανάλι μας στο YouTube.

Σημείωση: Αν σου αρέσουν αυτά που λένε οι μαθητές, μην ξεχάσεις να πατήσεις “LIKE” ή να γράψεις το σχόλιό σου κάτω από το βίντεο.
Τα τελευταία βίντεο δεν συμπεριλαμβάνονται, καθώς η Maya δεν είχε ακόμα χρόνο να τα επεξεργαστεί και να βάλει τους υπότιτλους.


Why (most) students speak  in their mother tongue on the video and not in Greek?

Γιατί οι μαθητές στα βίντεο μιλάνε στη μητρική τους γλώσσα και όχι στα Ελληνικά;

Although students know Greek, and could also say many things in Greek, we usually advise them to talk on the video in their mother-tongue.
The reason is that they can express themselves much better with the vocabulary and expressions they like to use, and they also feel better to be in front of a camera.
Another reason is that sometimes “unwanted visitors” , who are not related to Omilo, watch those testimonials and write nasty comments under the video,
in case the person makes a mistake in Greek. Unfortunately we can not control the internet, but we would like to protect our students from unnecessary comments.
At Omilo, we all know your Greek is good, you improve, you try to speak, you love the language, but there is no reason to prove it in front of the entire digital world.

Αν και οι μαθητές ξέρουν Ελληνικά και θα μπορούσαν να πουν πολλά στη γλώσσα αυτή, συνήθως τους συμβουλεύουμε να μιλήσουν στο βίντεο στη μητρική τους γλώσσα.
Ο λόγος είναι ότι μπορούν να εκφράσουν όσα θέλουν πολύ καλύτερα με το λεξιλόγιο και τις εκφράσεις που τους αρέσει να χρησιμοποιούν.
Επίσης, έτσι αισθάνονται καλύτερα όταν βρίσκονται μπροστά από την κάμερα.
Ένας άλλος λόγος είναι ότι μερικές φορές «ανεπιθύμητοι επισκέπτες» που δεν έχουν σχέση με το Ομιλώ,
παρακολουθούν τις κριτικές και γράφουν άσχημα σχόλια κάτω από τα βίντεο, σε περίπτωση που ο μαθητής που μιλάει κάνει ένα λάθος στα Ελληνικά.
Δυστυχώς δεν μπορούμε να ελέγξουμε το ίντερνετ, αλλά θα θέλαμε να προστατέψουμε τους μαθητές μας από περιττά σχόλια.
Στο Ομιλώ, όλοι ξέρουμε ότι τα Ελληνικά σου είναι καλά, ότι βελτιώνεσαι, ότι προσπαθείς να μιλήσεις και ότι αγαπάς τη γλώσσα!
Οπότε δεν υπάρχει λόγος να το αποδείξεις σε όλο τον ψηφιακό κόσμο. 


What our students say!

Ready to Travel with our students to
Athens, Nafplion, Lefkada,  Syros and Naxos?


1. ATHENS Courses (March, April, May, October, November)

Isabelle K., GERMANY

(Translated by Google) I did a two-week language course in Athens and was very enthusiastic. The lessons are very varied, a lot of emphasis is placed on speaking and grammar is not neglected either.
The teachers are committed, work with a lot of passion and every student is cared for and cared for (with Greek:))
In addition, there is an extensive cultural program, e.g. a walk through the picturesque streets of Anafiotika, attending a concert,
exhibitions, several visits to taverns together with the teachers, where you also have the opportunity to speak Greek. It was my first time at Omilo and I’ll definitely be back!
Many thanks to Marina, Myrto, Konstantinos, Maya, Vaso and Dimitri (I hope I didn’t forget anyone)
Great school; great, highly qualified, lovely teachers; small groups and an extensive accompanying programme
(concert, lunch and dinner in a tavern, museum and city tour, interesting lectures at school).
The lessons are of a high standard and are a lot of fun.
You have to travel half an hour by metro from the centre to the school, but that doesn’t matter:
the metro runs very frequently and you get to experience a bit of everyday life in Athens.
One clear sign for the quality of the school and the teachers: a lot of students keep coming back, including me!
Dhya A., UK
This is a great school for adults to learn Greek! The staff are knowledgeable and experienced and they understand how to work with adults.
They are quick at adapting to the students in the class and adjust the pace and topics to match the group.
The length of classes, typically 3hrs in the morning, is ideal and they offer a range of Greek experiences to take up some of afternoons and evenings.
At all times they encourage you to keep speaking in Greek without beating you over the head with it!
Highly recommended!



The Athens course for me it was an opportunity to see if I’m still capable of undertaking something like this by myself,

and finding  out that learning a new language is still relatively easy for me. And that it still gives me a lot of pleasure!
It was nice that several meals were  included. I went to Athens by myself and was very glad to be able to eat with the (very nice!) members
of my class and teachers a couple of  times.

I liked the activities and museum visits. The presentation by Kostantinos was amazing;
I don’t know much about Greek music but his presentation introduced me to some beautiful  songs!
For this I’m very grateful. The information about day to day life in Athens was also very interesting. Learning some slang, nice extra!
I am very satisfied with the administration and organisation of Omilo! Excellent communication.
I wish I’d taken more time to read all the information you gave before coming to the course!
So, I had a fantastic week in Athens and a wonderful experience with Omilo.
I will definitely continue to learn Greek with the various Omilo learning materials, online,  and I really hope to come back next year. Μπράβο Ομιλώ!
Marina M.,  USA
I have now been three times to Omilo, twice in Athens and once on Syros. It’s been a great experience each time.
The programs are very well organized, and the teaching is excellent —
the teachers are talented and knowledgeable, and they keep things active so that you feel engaged in the classroom and don’t have time to get bored. 🙂
The school also organizes optional outings with a variety of activities for different tastes.
Most of all, though, the people are wonderful! They are all kind, welcoming, and enthusiastic.
Σας ευχαριστώ όλους και ελπίζω να σας δω σύντομα!

martine n, FRANCE

Une très belle expérience avec Omilo !
Des professeurs très expérimentés et sympathiques qui utilisent une méthode “active “.
Des activités culturelles proposées par des professeurs souriants ,on apprend et on se cultive avec plaisir, dans la convivialité.
Ευχαριστώ πολύ!!!


Sarah G., UK

Two weeks ago I went on my first Omilo Greek language course in Nafplion. It was absolutely outstanding. I enjoyed every single minute of the teaching, the wonderful people on the course, the destination, the activities, and fun and the laughter. I would definitely recommend Omilo to anyone, beginner or more advanced student of the Greek language, for brilliant teaching, connecting with like-minded people, and for immersion into Greece and its culture. I will definitely be booking another Omilo course in the future.

Καλημέρα υπέροχη ομάδα Omilo,

Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για τόσο υπέροχη εβδομάδα στο Ναύπλιο.
Μου άρεσε κάθε λεπτό και η διδασκαλία ήταν εξαιρετική.  Και μια τόσο όμορφη ομάδα ανθρώπων.
Σίγουρα θα επιστρέψω με τον Omilo.

 3. LEFKADA Course (June)

Helen O’., UK

As a newby, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. However, I was so impressed by the professionalism of the teaching team and the way everything just worked!  I liked how the lessons were taught. Although each of the teachers had their own teaching style, they complemented each other really well…which helped with the learning experience.I liked the activities and the effort that was made to ensure that our Omilo experience wasn’t just learning the language but also experiencing aspects of Greek culture. Apart from the wine and cheese evening ;-), I think my favourite was the documentary film about the farmer in a small village who  played Bach (?) to his plants. It was interesting to follow him through a year and his attempts to bring work to the village.A special  shoutout goes to my very patient teachers and a big thank you to Nushka and Nicky from the Agatha Hotel, who live and breathe “filoxenia” as it used to be when I first went to Greece as a student.  Thank you all.

 4. SYROS Courses (July till September)

Tatiana S., USA

I consider myself lucky to have found Omilo school for learning the modern Greek language.
This year I have completed a one-week course on a charming island of Syros.
Not only were we learning the language; we were also getting familiar with the country and the Greek culture.
The after-class programs were rich, compelling, and well organized.
During that week, we experienced some aorist, some rebetiko, some Agiorgitiko, some hasapiko, and 100% fun!
I really appreciate the effort of the Omilo skillful instructors,
whose dedication to the learning process was astonishing.
Special thanks to the Omilo founders (Maya and Dimitris) for making this happen.
I hope to continue learning Greek with OMILO.


I took the 2 weeks Greek lessons as a beginner. The course was intensive and demanding but with a ultra friendly and relaxing atmosphere.
The staff is amazing, Syros is a great place and the sea is relaxing. I highly recommend this place with this wonderful staff.
I consider coming there for another 2 weeks course next year.
(Translated by Google) Real teachers, real teamwork. Omilos teachers know how to perfectly lead and motivate a very heterogeneous group of adults and make learning fun through role-playing, singing and dancing. Some are, in addition to their teaching skills, true professionals in the artistic field.
Well done!
De vrais pédagogues, un vrai travail d’équipe. Les enseignants d’Omilos savent parfaitement animer et motiver un groupe d’adultes très hétérogène et rendre l’apprentissage ludique par les jeux de rôle, le chant et la danse. Certains sont, en plus de leurs quaités pédagogiques, de vrais professionnels dans le domaine artistique.

(Translated by Google) Thank you very much for the Syros Group experience. I enjoyed your friendliness and humor. The classes were fun and the overall program interesting and entertaining. A special thanks for the personal support I received, I really appreciate it. We will meet again, in Syros or in one of your other beautiful places.

Σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ για την εμπειρία του Ομίλου Σύρου. Μου άρεσε η φιλικότητα και το χιούμορ σας. Τα μαθήματα ήταν διασκεδαστικά και το συνολικό πρόγραμμα ενδιαφέρον και διασκεδαστικό. Ένα ιδιαίτερο ευχαριστώ για την προσωπική υποστήριξη που έλαβα, το εκτιμώ πολύ. Θα τα ξαναπούμε, στη Σύρο ή σε κάποιο από τα άλλα όμορφα μέρη σας.


Dear Maya, dear Dimitris,

Thank you very much for the pictures and the video! I am somewhat „internet-shy“ indeed, so I would like to thank you via e-mail.
I very much enjoyed the two weeks in Syros, the good organisation, the motivated teachers and the spirit of seriousness (which makes a good contrast to fun). I would also like to thank you for the cultural events, which I found most interesting and inspiring.
I am impressed by all the teaching material you have developed, which makes it easy to contiue learning Greek…
I hope to see you again in the not too distant future. With my warmest regards to all the team!



We loved being a part of the course, especially meeting all the wonderful tutors & our fellow students. Omilo has shown that even a complete beginner can make a start, thank you for giving me the confidence to go out & try! We shall continue our openness to learn & we hope to return to Omilo in the future…….. σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ!
Happy memories of learning Greek dancing with fellow students!  φιλώ


Stephany P., CANADA

I can’t say enough about my experience attending the one week Omilo course in Syros. The Omilo teachers and staff were not only talented and encouraging, but also open, warm, caring, and generous with their time, knowledge, and company. The group of curious, motivated, and friendly students (from all over the world!) also contributed to a positive learning environment.

In the intermediate class, we had a focused, playful, and supportive classroom dynamic. Our instructors pushed us to speak only Greek from the beginning, and all the students were open to the challenge. Four hours of class in the morning were followed by relaxing, exploring, practicing new language skills, and enriching evening activities. I felt a huge increase in my listening comprehension, speaking skills, vocabulary, and general confidence/comfort in the language over just one week.I’m returning home feeling re-energized and re-committed to continuing my Greek learning journey. Omilo will have a special place in my heart and I hope to keep learning with them in the future. Ευχαριστώ!


Margueritte B, UK/FRANCE

Beautiful island, outstanding teaching and admin team.
The best and most relaxing way possible to learn and progress in Greek. It is not surprising that many students return.


Cornelia S., GERMANY

This September I attended Omilo Greek classes for the third time. Once again I had such a great time…

phantastic atmosphere in Syros, enthusiastic and highly qualified teachers, very nice and interesting students from all over the world.
Only sunshine and delicious food. Learning with Omilo is a lot of “kefi” and fun.

Thank you very much to the Omilo team


 5. NAXOS Course (October)

Click here to watch a Naxos video, made during the 2024 course


it was a pleasure to be back at the Omilo school, this time in Naxos.
Challenging learnings and meeting nice people amongst which the professional teachers.

Mariette L., Switzerland

Liebes Omilo Team,
Gerne möchte ich mich bei euch allen herzlichst bedanken für eine wunderbare Woche in Naxos.
Einmal mehr kam ich in den Genuss, an eurer kreativen Art des Unterrichtens dieser so schönen Sprache teilzunehmen.
Eure empathische, freudige, humorvolle, lustvolle und so engagierte Art macht einfach Spass zu lernen,
ja, gerne auch Grammatik, und dranzubleiben. Und es macht Mut und Lust, die Sprache auch an Ort und Stelle anzuwenden,
beim Einkaufen, in der Taverne und natürlich im Unterricht.

Seit so vielen Jahren seid ihr nun mit einem ganz tollen Konzept unterwegs, denn auch das sogenannte Rahmenprogramm,
respektive das grossartige Angebot an kulturellen und geschichtsträchtigen Veranstaltungen,
die gar nicht so einfachen griechischen Tänze, ein Tagesausflug, feinste kulinarische Abende…
alles sehr inspirierend und in einer entspannten Atmosphäre mit tollen Menschen, da hat alles gestimmt.
Ebenfalls herzlich bedanken möchte ich mich für die geniale Organisation,
die ich als sehr entspannt und ausgewogen erlebte.
Alles wirkte so leicht, wohl wissend, dass so sehr viel Arbeit dahinter steckt.

Eigentlich schade, dass dieser Kurs nur für eine Woche stattgefunden hat.
Meine bisherigen Kursbesuche bei Omilo dauerten jeweils zwei Wochen, die waren intensiv und genauso wunderbar.

Danke für diese wunderbaren Tage, mit herzlichen Grüssen aus Luzern

(google translation)
Dear Omilo team,
I would like to thank you all for a wonderful week in Naxos.
Once again I had the pleasure of taking part in your creative way of teaching this beautiful language.
Your empathetic, joyful, humorous, enthusiastic and so committed way makes it fun to learn,
yes, even grammar, and to stick with it. And it gives you the courage and the desire to use the language on the spot,
when shopping, in the tavern and of course in class.

You have been on the road with a really great concept for so many years now,
because the so-called supporting program,
or rather the great range of cultural and historical events,
the not so easy Greek dances, a day trip, the finest culinary evenings…
all very inspiring and in a relaxed atmosphere with great people, everything was just right.

I would also like to thank you very much for the brilliant organization,
which I experienced as very relaxed and balanced.
Everything seemed so easy, knowing that there is so much work behind it.
It’s actually a shame that this course only lasted a week.
My previous courses at Omilo lasted two weeks, they were intensive and just as wonderful.
Thank you for these wonderful days, with warm greetings from Lucerne


Music, Dance,  the Omilo-Song, and a lot of fun…

When listening to the video testimonials, you will hear many times the word “fun”!

Yes, at Omilo, learning Greek is not boring, but really fun! Not only the Greek lessons are fun, with a lot of variety and interaction, but also the afternoon activities

Also, every year we have several students with musical talent, as well as a lot of students with dancing talent

Also in 2024, we danced, we sang, we had fun… Of course, always after the Greek lessons 🙂

Below some videos to get a better idea

Greek dancing lesson;

greek dancing

greek songs syros

Learning Greek songs

greek songs syros

The special Omilo song,
created by Stephany and Ellen (Syros, Sept 2023)

omilo greek song



We wish you a nice Autumn season, and hope to see you soon again. Stay in touch!

Καλή αντάμωση – Until we meet again!

Καλό φθινόπωρο – Wishing you a nice Autumn!

Καλά να περάσετε – Have fun!

Στο καλό – Goodbye, all the best!



PS. Interested in learning more typical Greek wishes? Then click here and download our free eBook