
How to say “I forbid” or “it is forbidden”  in Greek?
Learn the active and passive form of this verb


But do not worry, siga-siga!

When you learn Greek, a difficult part in grammar is the use of active and passive verbs.
Most students get confused, since it is not something you learn in other European languages.

So here below, we will explain the verb “to forbid” in its active form, as well as  “it is forbidden” in the passive form.
If you prefer to watch and listen to the video first, then click here

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Easy Greek Stories podcast –  Which boat is on the shore
If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #24 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 24; Βάρκα ή καράβι στον γιαλό | Which boat is on the shore?

In this episode,  Myrto reads for you the story about how Greeks use in daily life, different words and expressions related to the sea and boats.

Podcast story script +  Notebook content & design ;
Maya Andreadi
Podcast and Video montage + Notebook proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Myrto Yfanti
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Easy Greek Stories podcast –  Gossip in Rhodes
If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #23 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 23; Κουτσομπολιό στην Ρόδο  |  Gossip in Rhodes

In this episode, Myrto and Sophia read for you the story about how Katerina, who recently retired on the island of Rhodes, spends her time, and becomes the subject of gossip..

Podcast story script +  Notebook content & design ;
Maya Andreadi
Podcast and Video montage + Notebook proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Myrto Yfanti and Sophia Devetzi
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11 Greek Proverbs in 1 Song will not help you only to memorize Greek proverbs, but also learn a lot about the Greek language and culture. The song we present you today is called “Proverbs”. It was written in 1987 by Melina Tanagri. So with this song, you will have “killed two birds with one stone” (m’ énan sbáro dyó trigónia), as Greeks say.


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A Greek traditional song , Vassiliki, is at the same time a traditional dance ; the zonaradikos.  
The ideal combination to learn some Greek vocabulary, learn about Greek music, while enjoying a Greek line dance.
By listening to the song, or watching the video of the dance, most likely many of our students who attended a Greek Language and Culture course in Nafplion, Lefkada or Syros, will recognize it 🙂
After the Greek lessons in the morning, a Greek dance lesson and learning a Greek song, is the ideal relaxation and entertainment for the afternoon!

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Easy Greek Stories podcast –  Stuck on a Greek island
If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.
It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece.
In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story,
narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every 2nd month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #21 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 21 ; Αποκλεισμένοι σε ένα νησί  |  Stuck on a Greek island

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Easy Greek Stories Podcast #20 – How does your life change when you retire?

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then you can boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.
Are you more advanced already? Then also check the Ultimate Listening eBook.

(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #20 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 20 ; Πώς αλλάζει η ζωή σου όταν γίνεσαι συνταξιούχος;
How does your life change when you retire?

In this episode, Myrto and Sophia read for you a story about how Katerina’s life changes from a working mother, to a retiree, with a lot of free time, and…gossip!

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Easy Greek Stories Podcast #19 – Winter in Greece

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this Easy Greek Podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.
Are you more advanced already? Then also check the Ultimate Listening eBook.

Every month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #19 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 19 ; Ο χειμώνας στην Ελλάδα είναι γεμάτος εκπλήξεις!
Winter in Greece, is full with surprises

In this episode, Myrto reads for you a story about how Florian experiences a winter with snow and cold in Athens, but nevertheless had a wonderful experience

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The “Easy Greek Stories” podcast – Episode 18

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Are you more advanced already? Then also check the Ultimate Listening eBook.

(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #18 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 18 ; Πώς είναι να έχεις ελληνικό όνομα;What Is In A Greek Name?

In this episode, Eva reads for you a story about how Greeks usually give names to their children, but times also change..

Podcast story script +  Notebook content & design ;
Maya Andreadi
Podcast and Video montage + Notebook proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrators; Eva Christodoulou & Myrto Yfanti
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A Greek song by Machairitsas is also ideal to learn Greek vocabulary.
Let’s enjoy beautiful Greek music,  while improving your Greek.
The song  “What do I ask for?” “Τι ζητάω;”, is a very known song, every Greek can sing along..
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