
Easy Greek Stories podcast –  About stray dogs in Athens

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every 2nd month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #33 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Αθήνα και αδέσποτα: Τρεις ιστορίες
Strays in Athens: three stories

In this episode, Myrto reads for you three stories about stray dogs in Athens, and their adventures

Author story, Podcast script +  Notebook content & design ; Maya Andreadi
Video montage +  proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Myrto Yfanti
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Do you want to improve your listening skills, while learning more about Greek culture?
Then here is a Greek Podcast story for you!

Μαγικά Χριστούγεννα: Από τη Σουηδία στο Ναύπλιο.

A Magical Christmas: From Sweden to Nafplion 

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Easy Greek Stories podcast –  About the life of teachers in Greece

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every 2nd month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #32 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Αλλάζει ο τουρισμός στην Ελλάδα;
Is tourism changing in Greece?

In this episode, Myrto reads for you a story about a friend from Denmark, looking for a room in Greece where nobody speaks English.

Author story, Podcast script +  Notebook content & design ; Maya Andreadi
Video montage + Notebook proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Myrto Yfanti
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Easy Greek Stories podcast –  About the life of teachers in Greece

If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every 2nd month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #31 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Τι έμαθε ο Ηλίας στο μετρό για τους δασκάλους στην Ελλάδα;
The life of teachers in Greece?

In this episode, Eva reads a story about Ilias overhearing a discussion in the metro, related to the life of a public teacher in Greece

Author story, Podcast script +  Notebook content & design ; Maya Andreadi
Video montage + Notebook proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Eva Christodoulou
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Stand-up comedian Fisfis has gained in popularity, thanks to his ability to turn mundane everyday situations into an endless source of laughter through his sarcasm and expressiveness. So, let us introduce you to well-loved Greek stand-up comedian, actor and screenwriter Lambros Fisfis.
All this, while improving your Greek of course 🙂

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Easy Greek Stories podcast
If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every 2nd month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #30 on various Podcast channels listed below.

H Ολυμπιακή φλόγα ταξιδεύει | The Olympic Flame travels

In this episode, Myrto and Dimitris read a story about how the Olympic Flame travels to its destination and how Athens changed during the 2004 Olympics

Podcast story script +  Notebook content & design ; Maya Andreadi
Podcast and Video montage + Notebook proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Myrto and Dimitris
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Easy Greek Stories podcast –  Where in Greece there are still drachmas?
If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every 2nd month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #29 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 29; Tο Καμάκι: Η τέχνη του φλερτ πριν το Internet | Kamaki : the art of flirting

In this episode, Eva reads a story about Vassilis, living on Paxos island, who was a Greek kamaki in his younger years, and what that means exactly..

Podcast story script +  Notebook content & design ; Maya Andreadi
Podcast and Video montage + Notebook proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Eva Christodoulou
+++++++++++++++++++++++ Read more

Easy Greek Stories podcast –  A Different Easter in Greece
Boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece.
In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every second month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #22 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 22;  Ένα διαφορετικό Πάσχα στην Ελλάδα   |  A different Easter in Greece

In this episode, Myrto reads for you a story about Tor, from Norway, experiencing his first Easter in Greece, full of surprises..

Podcast story script +  Notebook content & design ;
Maya Andreadi
Podcast and Video montage + grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Myrto Yfanti
+++++++++++++++++++++++ Read more

Easy Greek Stories podcast –  Where in Greece there are still drachmas?
If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every 2nd month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #28 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 28; Πού υπάρχουν ακόμα δραχμές στην Ελλάδα;
Where in Greece there are still drachmas?

In this episode, Sophia reads for you the story about drachmas hidden in mattrasses, and on the bottom of the Aegean sea!

Podcast story script +  Notebook content & design ; Maya Andreadi
Podcast and Video montage + Notebook proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Sophia Devetzi
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Easy Greek Stories podcast –  From Kastoria to Kalamata
If you are at an intermediate level in Greek, then boost your Greek listening skills with the Omilo Podcast.  It also helps you learn common everyday Greek vocabulary and life situations in Greece. In this podcast you can listen to every story first at a slow reading pace, followed by the same story, narrated at a normal Greek native speaking pace, as well as an extra vocabulary list at the end.

Every 2nd month one new Greek story. And it is free!
(Note: this podcast is not a Greek course and the episodes don’t follow a step-by-step grammar or difficulty sequence.)

Listen to story #27 on various Podcast channels listed below.

Story 27;Από την Καστοριά στην Καλαμάτα | From Kastoria to Kalamata

In this episode, Eva reads for you the story about two tourists from the Philippines visiting Greece, and how they ended up in Kastoria.  

Podcast story script +  Notebook content & design ; Maya Andreadi
Podcast and Video montage + Notebook proofreading and grammar; Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrator;  Eva Christodoulou
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