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Playing Tavli (Backgammon) in Greece

Playing Tavli or Backgammon is a very popular Greek habit. Almost every Greek has enjoyed a sunny morning with cold coffee (preferably a frappe) and a round of “Portes” or a summer afternoon with a glass of ouzo accompanied by a “meze” and a round of “Plakoto”.   Το τάβλι είναι μία ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλής συνήθεια […]

10 important Greek Proverbs

We selected 10 important Greek Proverbs for you, which are used very regularly in the Greek language. Every culture and language has a collection of wise sayings that gives advice about how to live your life. These are the so-called proverbs. In Greek, they are called: οι παροιμίες. Of course, when you start learning Greek, […]


Greek Audio, Audiobooks and Podcasts by Omilo

Technology changes non-stop, for good or for bad, but we try to focus on the good 🙂 Audio and Podcasts really help to learn Greek, so we also do our share, to keep you happy! For your info,  during the past “corona-year”, we have worked on various audio files and audiobooks, which are available online, […]

Mainland Greece; Let’s Learn About The Region Fthiotida

Mainland Greece; Let’s Learn About The Region Fthiotida and teacher Myrto! Ας μάθουμε λίγα πράγματα για την περιοχή της Φθιώτιδας στην Ελλάδα! We are happy to announce that a new experienced teacher, Myrto Yfanti,  starts working at Omilo. Myrto already was teaching for Omilo during the September 2020 course on the island of Syros and […]


Ζωναράδικος – Ένας παραδοσιακός χορός από την Θράκη

Ώρα για χορό! Ανυπομονούμε να ξαναδούμε από κοντά τους μαθητές μας και να χορέψουμε όλοι μαζί ελληνικούς παραδοσιακούς χορούς! Παρακάτω θα διαβάσετε για έναν αγαπημένο μας χορό από την Θράκη (βόρειο-ανατολική Ελλάδα), τον Ζωναράδικο.  Είναι γνωστό ότι στους Έλληνες αρέσει πολύ να χορεύουν και έχουν μεγάλη ποικιλία παραδοσιακών χορών, ανάλογα με την περιοχή. Οι νησιώτικοι […]