Τσίπουρο, oύζο και ρακόμελο – τα ποτά της ελληνικής παράδοσης

Μια από τις πιο συνηθισμένες συζητήσεις ανάμεσα σε μια παρέα που πηγαίνει σε μια ταβέρνα είναι αν προτιμούν τσίπουρο ή ούζο.
Και τα δύο αυτά ποτά είναι παραδοσιακά ελληνικά με μεγάλη ιστορία και διαφορετική γεύση που συνοδεύουν τους μεζέδες και φέρνουν τους φίλους κοντά στο τραπέζι.


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Ας γιορτάσουμε την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας!

Η Γιορτή της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας

Κάθε χρόνο στις 9 Φεβρουαρίου, οι άνθρωποι σε όλο τον κόσμο γιορτάζουν την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας. Η ημέρα αυτή τιμά την ελληνική γλώσσα και τον σημαντικό της ρόλο στη λογοτεχνία, την επιστήμη, τη φιλοσοφία και τον παγκόσμιο πολιτισμό. Η ελληνική γλώσσα είναι μία από τις παλαιότερες ζωντανές γλώσσες του κόσμου, με ιστορία που καλύπτει πάνω από 3.400 χρόνια. Έχει επηρεάσει πολλές άλλες γλώσσες, όπως τα αγγλικά, τα γαλλικά, τα ιταλικά και τα ισπανικά.


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The Greek verbs Greek verbs “πίνω” and “πεινώ” ( I drink and I am hungry) are verbs you hear on a daily basis, but might be a bit confusing for you. Those two verbs are conjugated differently, since they belong to different verb categories. 
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Learn the Greek Expressions  “See you” and “We will see” and sound as a local!
This is something you can say and hear several times per day, when visiting Greece.
So even if the grammar is too difficult for you, it is useful to learn them by heart.

Since the expressions sound a bit similar, foreigners many times get confused and end up saying those expressions at the wrong time.

So, imagine you meet up with your lovely Greek friend(s), you all have a great time, you kiss them goodbye and you are about to say ‘See you» in Greek.
So by trying to translate “See you”, many non-Greeks say ‘Θα δούμε!’ … and you instantly ruin the image of the excellent Greek language learner!

But do not worry; most Greeks will understand what you actually wanted to say!

However, it is also really easy to learn to say the expressions correctly.
Read more below and enjoy your lesson! Καλό μάθημα!
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How To Use Greek Proverbs in Everyday Conversations?
Proverbs are popular sayings that provide nuggets of wisdom.
Every culture and language has a collection of those. They illustrate how people within this culture think and are often influenced by its history.

The Greek word for ‘proverbs’ is ‘οι παροιμίες’.

Οι παροιμίες είναι σύντομες εκφράσεις που περιέχουν συμπυκνωμένη τη λαϊκή σοφία ενός λαού.
Κάθε κουλτούρα και γλώσσα έχει μερικές. Οι παροιμίες μας δείχνουν πώς σκέφτεται ένας λαός, ενώ συχνά σχετίζονται και με την ιστορία του.

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The Greek alphabet is unique and special. It has survived thousands of years without significant changes. From the times of Omiros and Platonas, in Byzantine and Kavafis, it ended up in our times with barely any changes to it.
The Omilo teachers are happy to help you learning this beautiful Greek Alphabet!
And by the way, it is much easier than it might look.
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Do you like Greek music?  Σας αρέσει η ελληνική μουσική;

Maybe this is not an easy question to answer, since there are so many different genres of Greek songs and music.
Ίσως να μην είναι τόσο εύκολο να απαντήσετε σε αυτή την ερώτηση, αφού υπάρχουν πολλά είδη ελληνικής μουσικής.

You might like one particular genre, like Rembetiko, Pop, Rock, but maybe not another genre like Laika, Entechna…?

So a better question might be;
Which genre of Greek Music do you like? Or, do you like Greek entechna songs ?
But  with those questions,  many non-Greeks will not be able to answer them, since they do not know the names or the difference between the various musical genres, neither the time-period that particular music was created in Greece.
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The Aegean Airlines commercial videο gives us some perfect examples to teach the Present Perfect in Greek
Whether you like to fly with Aegean or not, it is time to learn some more Greek grammar and practice your Greek 🙂

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A crossword related to Greek Mythology is another way to learn Greek.  Learning Greek is a hobby for life, so from time to time you have to find fun and new ways of learning to keep yourself motivated.

So, if you reached an advanced level in the Greek language, you might also try a crosswords and get excited about ancient Greek mythology!
Although the exercise is made for advanced students in Greek, even if you are not at that level yet, you can still give it a try, or just read the Greek myth in English. Read more

A Greek song by Machairitsas is also ideal to learn Greek vocabulary.
Let’s enjoy beautiful Greek music,  while improving your Greek.
The song  “What do I ask for?” “Τι ζητάω;”, is a very known song, every Greek can sing along..
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