
A Greek Rebetiko song by Tsitsanis, brings us some decennia back in time, but stays also very contemporary.
Greeks, whenever they were facing difficulties, which is still something happening very often, have found a way to overcome and even to celebrate!
The following Rebetiko song,  by known composer Vassilis Tsitsanis, is an example of how Greeks deal with difficulties!


Manos Eleftheriou , is a famous Greek author and songwriter. He  wrote poems as well as short stories.
Since he was born and raised on the island of Syros (1938-2018), the Omilo students often hear his name while attending a course on the island.
Manos Eleftheriou loved Syros and edited books about his island, specifically about Markos Vamvakaris and Syros society, about theater in Ermoupolis in the 20th century, and about Ermoupolis in Greek literature.


Greek songs which also became international hits, are more than you might think! However, few people today realize that some classic songs were actually written by Greek composers,
When you regularly visit, you definitely have understood that  music  plays a very important role in the life of Greeks. In joy and sorrow, Greeks sing. And the truth is that they have the opportunity to choose among several categories of songs, in order to express every time their feelings: there are plenty of folk songs, rebetika, laika, entexna  as well as rock and pop songs.


A Greek song by Machairitsas is also ideal to learn Greek vocabulary.
Let’s enjoy beautiful Greek music,  while improving your Greek.
The song  “What do I ask for?” “Τι ζητάω;”, is a very known song, every Greek can sing along..

A Greek Movie About Eftihia Papagianopoulou – The Greek Female Lyricist , was very welcome.
Eftihia Papagianopoulou was potentially the most important female lyricist of the Greek music scene. She penned countless „laika and rembetika“(*) songs, many of which became Greek song hits and are sung and danced to even nowadays.

Papagiannopoulou was born in Aydin near Smyrna (now Izmir) in Asia Minor in 1893, which she had to abandon due to the Greco-Turkish War (1919-22) and the Great Fire of Smyrna in 1922. She emigrated to Greece and arrived by boat to Athens with her two daughters.

Initially, she was married to Kostis Nikolaidis; it was an arranged marriage with a man 20 years her senior. Papagiannopoulou divorced him shortly after arriving in Greece. She got married again in 1932 to Yorgos Pappagiannopoulos, who was the only man she really loved in her life. Weiterlesen

Hello Dear Omilo friend!
Γεια σου αγαπημένη φίλη / αγαπημένε φίλε!

Today it’s Valentine’s Day, and one of those days we are supposed to be romantic, spending a nice day with our love, book a romantic dinner, go for a romantic walk…

Σήμερα είναι του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου! Μια μέρα που υποτίθεται ότι γινόμαστε πιο ρομαντικοί, περνάμε μία όμορφη μέρα με τον/την σύντροφό μας, πάμε για έναν ρομαντικό περίπατο στην πόλη… Weiterlesen

Manos Hatzikadis is a Greek composer, known by every Greek. As a non-Greek, there are probably many names that pop into your head when you think about Greek music, such as Dalaras, Mouskouri, Theodorakis … but today it is time to learn more about Manos Hadzidakis.

Antonis Remos is a popular Greek singer who has many fans in Greece, as well as fans among the Omilo students 🙂
For many years, Remos was also one of the Greek coaches of the popular TV show “The Voice”.


Greek Music by Stavros Xarhakos and Alkistis Protopsalti! If you are you in love with Greek music, then listening to songs composed by  famous Greek composer Xarhakos and performed by famous Greek singer Alkistis Protopsalti should be added to your to-do list.


Greek choir in Stockholm, Orfeas, and the magic of Greek music! An Omilo student from Sweden, Gail Ricksecker, writes about her passion, Greek music and learning Greek.
