Ώρα για χορό! Ανυπομονούμε να ξαναδούμε από κοντά τους μαθητές μας και να χορέψουμε όλοι μαζί ελληνικούς παραδοσιακούς χορούς! Παρακάτω θα διαβάσετε για έναν αγαπημένο μας χορό από την Θράκη (βόρειο-ανατολική Ελλάδα), τον Ζωναράδικο.

 Είναι γνωστό ότι στους Έλληνες αρέσει πολύ να χορεύουν και έχουν μεγάλη ποικιλία παραδοσιακών χορών, ανάλογα με την περιοχή. Οι νησιώτικοι χοροί είναι συνήθως ρυθμικοί και χαρούμενοι σαν να ακολουθούν την κίνηση της θάλασσας. Οι χοροί από την Κρήτη είναι γρήγοροι και δύσκολοι. Οι χοροί από τα βουνά της Ελλάδας είναι αργοί με βαρύ ρυθμό. Μία ιδιαίτερη ποικιλία χορών είναι οι χοροί από τη  Θράκη.  Ένα καλό παράδειγμα είναι ο ζωναράδικος.  Lire la suite

 In 2021 Greece celebrated a special anniversary on March 25th – Its 200 Υears Οf Ιndependence!

If you want to read more about this important National Celebration, the Greek National Anthem, useful vocabulary etc…
then click on the button below, for the article in English, Greek,
as well as a Greek -file Audio to improve your listening skills in Greek 🙂

To celebrate the 200 years since the Greek Revolution, the famous song of Dionysis Savvopoulos has been chosen for the official video clip of this event. See below.

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As you all know, in Greece there are so many wonderful songs, singers, songwriters and composers. This time, we chose for you a beautiful, traditional love song from Crete. Listen to this sweet song and the sound of the Cretan lyre! Under the video, you will find the Greek Lyrics as well as the English translation. Maybe you can sing along… Enjoy!
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Manos Hatzikadis is a Greek composer, known by every Greek. As a non-Greek, there are probably many names that pop into your head when you think about Greek music, such as Dalaras, Mouskouri, Theodorakis … but today it is time to learn more about Manos Hadzidakis.
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Antonis Remos is a popular Greek singer who has many fans in Greece, as well as fans among the Omilo students 🙂
For many years, Remos was also one of the Greek coaches of the popular TV show “The Voice”.

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It cannot always be sunny, also in Greece there are “rainy days”! And of course, there is a Greek song that goes along with a wet day!
Listen to the beautiful rebetiko song, composed by Vassilis Tsitsanis « Raindrops are falling » «Πέφτουν της βροχής οι στάλες».
A rainy day is excellent to study Greek as well, so here we go!

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Thessaloniki, or often called “Salonika”, is the second largest city in Greece, after Athens.
As we have written already many times about Athens, it is now time to introduce you to some secrets of Thessaloniki!

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Have you ever attended a Greek wedding or have you heard a Greek wedding song?
As probably in every country, every wedding is different; you can find various wedding customs, traditions, and songs, depending on the family and its roots and/or beliefs.

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A Greek Traditional Dance From Crete – If  you like Greek dances, then let’s learn about the « siganos ».
As you may know, every region in Greece has different dances, music and rhythms. The dances of Crete also belong to a special category. The main instrument in most of the Cretan music is the “lyra”, and usually, the rhythm of the dances is fast and the steps are rather difficult. But there is an exception: a slower dance called “siganos”.

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Greek Music by Stavros Xarhakos and Alkistis Protopsalti! If you are you in love with Greek music, then listening to songs composed by  famous Greek composer Xarhakos and performed by famous Greek singer Alkistis Protopsalti should be added to your to-do list.

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