
The town of Livadia is an interesting place, where stories of Greek mythology are still told today, as in many other regions in Greece.
Here you can learn about a Greek Myth, related to the town of Livadia.

Sophia (a former teacher at Omilo) was living for 20 years in Livadia, a town close to Arachova and Delphi, at two hours drive from Athens.
She is the ideal person to tell us a bit more about Livadia and its myth.

The Greek Myth Erkyna

The Greek Myth “Erkyna”, the nymph of a spring in Livadia, is very known in Livadia.
Today, Erkyna is the name of the river that passes through Livadia. For many years, the river provides the energy that is needed for the development of industry, handicrafts and processing agricultural products.


Greek Listening exercise

Click here or on the picture below and  listen to Sophia who tells you the myth in her own words.
(Below you can read the translation in English)


Livadia greek myth


English translation  of Sophia’s words

Many years ago in ancient times, a girl who was called Erkyna came to play in this area. She was the daughter of an architect who also was the founder of the Trofanios Oracle*. So she came to play with her friend Persephone. Persephone was the daughter of the goddess Demeter. One day they had brought a goose with them and as they played, they saw the goose running away and suddenly the goose fell into a hole. Erkyna ran after her to catch her. As she couldn’t reach the goose, she lifted a large stone.
The moment she lifted the stone, water started running from under it. This water became more and more until it became a whole river. Unfortunately, the river swallowed both the goose and the little girl, Erkyna.

* Trofonios Oracle (called this way by the locals)




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