
The Greek verbs Greek verbs “πίνω” and “πεινώ” ( I drink and I am hungry) are verbs you hear on a daily basis, but might be a bit confusing for you. Those two verbs are conjugated differently, since they belong to different verb categories. 
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A Greek song by Machairitsas is also ideal to learn Greek vocabulary.
Let’s enjoy beautiful Greek music,  while improving your Greek.
The song  “What do I ask for?” “Τι ζητάω;”, is a very known song, every Greek can sing along..
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Two Greek verbs that many Beginners and even Intermediate students find quite confusing are ‘παίρνω’ and ‘περνάω or περνώ’. Apart from the slightly different spelling, the main obvious cause of this confusion is the accentuation; it’s just a twist of the accent that makes these two words sound differently.
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On that hot July morning, the ancient olive tree with its silvery green leaves cast its shadow on the dry ground. Just like Plato some 2400 years ago, the Omilo school also gratefully used the breeze that the mighty tree offered to begin the Greek lesson of the day.
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“ I have a Greek son in law, an adorable “Adonis”!” we sometimes hear our students saying! Many foreigners join Omilo to learn Greek because they have a son or daughter who lives in Greece, with or without Greek partner. If it finally becomes true love, than, undoubtedly, the day arrives when our motivated students wish to meet the Greek family in Greece. An exciting day to look forward to and at the same time the perfect occasion to practice their newly acquired knowledge of the Greek language. Time to learn some Greek expressions!
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Omilo was contacted by the Greek ERT TV-station, in March 2013, with the question  to interview the owners of the Omilo-school (Maya and Dimitris Andreadis) about multilingualism.
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