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How to make Greek frappe – the delicious ice-coffee

Do you know how to make Greek frappe? During warm and sunny days and especially in spring and summer, Greeks prefer to drink the cold coffee instead of the warm  coffee. There are many versions, but the easiest to make yourself at home, is the „frappe“ Also Omilo students usually love to drink frappe, and […]


Greek Rebetiko Song – Vassilis Tsitsanis

A Greek Rebetiko song by Tsitsanis, brings us some decennia back in time, but stays also very contemporary. Greeks, whenever they were facing difficulties, which is still something happening very often, have found a way to overcome and even to celebrate! The following Rebetiko song,  by known composer Vassilis Tsitsanis, is an example of how […]

Learn Greek wishes, for celebrations and social occasions

Learning Greek wishes for celebrations and social occasions is always fun. If you have ever participated in a Greek Easter celebration, wedding, baptism or name day party, you have definitely noticed that there are specific wishes to be used for every occasion. Our students practice those wishes very regularly, not only during a course in […]


The Epidaurus Amphitheatre and Little Theatre | Omilo

When visiting Greece, it is not just about eating delicious food in taverns and going to the beach, but many travelers, including Omilo students, also love to visit ancient Greek sites, attend Greek concerts, or theatre  productions, while learning more about Greek culture and history. Well, here is the good news, by visiting the beautiful […]

Yiannis Ritsos: The Life and Work of The Great Greek Poet

Yiannis Ritsos is one of the most famous and internationally acknowledged Greek poets, with many of his works having been translated and published in many languages. He worked tirelessly and his output was enormous; he has published more than one hundred poems and poetry collections as well as some novels, plays, articles, and translations. Today, […]