Podcast Easy Greek Stories + Combined Notebook for stories 21-22-23-24

Make the next step and improve your Greek with the special Podcast notebooks. This Notebook combines 4 Easy Greek Podcast Stories
(This notebook is a digital eBook, PDF file, which you can download to your computer and also print yourself.)
Story 21 : Αποκλεισμένοι σε ένα νησί | Stuck on a Greek island
In this episode, Eva reads for you the story about how two tourists from Spain get stuck on the island of Kimolos, due to high winds, but have a nice time.
Story 22 : Ένα διαφορετικό Πάσχα στην Ελλάδα | A different Easter in Greece
In this episode, Myrto reads for you the story about how Tor from Norway experienced his first Greek Easter in Greece.
Story 23 ; Gossip in Rhodes | Κουτσομπολιό στην Ρόδο
In this episode, Sophia and Myrto read for you the story about how Katerina, who recently retired on the island of Rhodes, spends her time, and becomes the subject of gossip..
Story 24 ; Βάρκα ή καράβι στον γιαλό; | Which boat is on the shore?
In this episode, Myrto reads for you the story about how Greeks use in daily life, different words and expressions related to the sea and boats.
Every podcast story has a companion notebook, which means a digital eBook (PDF file), which you can also print yourself.
It includes;
* English translation,
* vocabulary list
* exercise to practice grammar + answer key
* the video link + Greek subtitles, video without advertisements.
* the podcast links on various channels, as well as the recording MP3 file, which you can download to your computer, and listen to without needing the internet.
Every 2nd month a new story..
A4 format, 68 pages
Made by the Omilo Greek Language and Culture School in cooperation with masaresi.com
Already 32 stories are available. You can find all the purchase links on this webpage

Listen to the Omilo “Easy Greek Stories Podcast” for Intermediate Learners in Greek, and improve your Greek even more with the accompanying digital and printable notebooks, including Greek transcript, English translation, video link + Greek subtitles, vocabulary list, and exercise to practice some grammar. Every 2nd month one new podcast story and notebook, for Intermediate levels in Greek.
For all notebooks, click here;