Podcast Easy Greek Stories + Combined Notebook For Stories 17-18-19-20
Make the next step and improve your Greek with the special Omilo Podcast notebook.
This Notebook combines 4 Podcast stories
(This notebook is a digital eBook, PDF file, which you can download to your computer and also print yourself.)
Story 17 : Οι Έλληνες χορεύουν με τα χέρια τους! Greek dance with their arms!
In this episode, Myrto reads for you the story about how two adults become friends on the island of Skiros and experience Greek dancing.
Story 18 : Πώς είναι να έχεις ελληνικό όνομα; What Is In A Greek Name?
In this episode, Eva reads for you the story about how Greeks usually give names to their children, but times also change…
Story 19 ; Μια γλώσσα είναι γεμάτη εκπλήξεις. A language is full of surprises
In this episode, Myrto reads for you the story about a German girl finding a job in tourism on the island of Kos, while learning Greek and adjusting to working with Greeks
Story 20 ; Πώς αλλάζει η ζωή σου όταν γίνεσαι συνταξιούχος; How does your life change when you retire?
In this episode, Sophia and Myrto read for you the story about how Katerina’s life changes, now that she is retired, and can have a different lifestyle.
Maya Andreadi
Myrto Yfanti
Podcast narrators;
Eva Christodoulou & Myrto Yfanti & Sophia Devetzi
Every podcast story has a companion notebook, which means a digital eBook (PDF file), which you can also print yourself.
* English translation,
* vocabulary list
* exercise to practice grammar + answer key
* the video link + Greek subtitles, video without advertisements.
* the podcast links on various channels, as well as the recording MP3 file, which you can download to your computer, and listen to without needing the internet.
A4 format, 70 pages
Made by the Omilo Greek Language and Culture School in cooperation with masaresi.com
Listen to the Omilo “Easy Greek Stories Podcast” for Intermediate Learners in Greek, and improve your Greek even more with the accompanying digital and printable notebooks, including Greek transcript, English translation, video link + Greek subtitles, vocabulary list, and exercise to practice some grammar. Every month one new podcast story and notebook, for Intermediate levels in Greek.