Greek Songs Of Different Genres (4 eBooks)

SPECIAL OFFER: Greek Songs Of Different Genres (4 eBooks) –> 50% sale!
With this package, you receive 4 eBooks (printable). You will learn about different musical genres, its history, composers, singers and songs.
All this with extra exercises to learn Greek, YouTube links and English translations. By listening to Greek music, you not only improve your Greek, you also get more insight into the Greek culture, mentality, society and history.
eBook Rembetka Songs
Greece’s most traditional and distinctive music style is the “rebetiko”, also known as Greek blues.
Characterized by the sounds of the bouzouki and baglamas, the Greek rembetika are simple songs that express the daily concerns of ordinary people experiencing difficult and often unconventional situations. Most are about such things as love; heartbreak; the struggles involved in living and working in foreign lands; poverty; hashish; etc…
WIth this Omilo eBook (printable version), you will learn more about rembetiko music through listening to a couple of rembetika songs as well as through doing some listening and vocabulary exercises.
The eBook includes:
• a short overview of how the Rembetiko music developed
• which instruments are used
• which composers have had an important influence on Rembetiko.
• short exercises to improve your Greek (including an answer key)
• 6 songs, with English translations, and youtube links so that you can listen to the songs while reading the eBook
Printable eBook, PDF format, 24 pages (A4)
eBook Laika Songs
Greece’s traditional Laika Songs are an offshoot of “rebetiko music” and were popular during the 1950s and 60s. But even nowadays, the Laika songs continue with more modern versions.
With this eBook you will learn more about the Greek music category ” Laika Songs” or “Laika music”
By listening to Greek music, you not only improve your Greek, but you also get more insight into the Greek culture, mentality, society and history. You will also learn extra Greek vocabulary while listening to the songs and the included exercises. Laiko (derived from the word ‘λαός’ = ‘people’) is a style of popular Greek music and predominated in the 50’s and 60’s. The main musical instrument connected with Laiko is the bouzouki.
The eBook includes:
• a short overview of how Laiko music developed
• which instruments are used
• which composers and singers have had an important influence in the Laiko music
• short exercises to improve your Greek (including an answer key)
• links so that you can listen to the songs while reading the Greek lyrics (or English translations)
Printable eBook, PDF format, 29 pages (A4)
Ebooks Entechna Songs, Part 1 and Part 2
Improve your Greek vocabulary with Greek songs, with songs written by famous composers, very known singers, and founders of this musical genre Mikis Theodorakis and Manos Hatzidakis. Learn more with those two eBooks about Entechna music, listen to songs, and improve your Greek with companion exercises (answer key included). You will also learn extra Greek vocabulary.
The early 1960s is the official starting point of a new genre of music in Greece, which combines orchestral music with poetry for the first time and is called Entechno.
Entechno music combines elements of Greek Laika songs with poetry, making Greek poetry accessible to all social classes.
Included in the 1st eBook, PART 1;
is a selection of 7 songs for each of the two composers, Theodorakis and Hatzidakis. Provided are also the corresponding English translations and YouTube links, as well as companion exercises to improve your Greek. It is an impossible task to cover the entire work of Theodorakis and Hatzidakis, but you will get a small overview of important songs and stadia, for somebody that is not raised in Greece or did not grow up with this music.
• a short overview of how Entecho music developed in the 60’ties.
• information about famous composers Mikis Theodorakis and Manos Hatzidakis, the founders of this musical genre.
• short exercises to improve your Greek (including an answer key)
• links so that you can listen to the songs while reading the Greek lyrics (or English translations)
Printable eBook, PDF format, 29 pages (A4)
Included in the 2nd eBook, PART 2;
The eBook also includes:
• a short overview of how Entecho music developed in the 60’ties till the 90’ties
• information about various famous composers and their songs
• information about lyricists, as well as singers and their songs
• short exercises to improve your Greek (including an answer key)
• links so that you can listen to the songs while reading the Greek lyrics (or English translations)
Printable eBook, PDF format, 40 pages (A4)
SPECIAL GREEK SONG eBOOK OFFER: 4 eBooks –-> 50% reduction!
Listen to beautiful Greek music, and learn about the different musical genres over the last 80 years. Improve your Greek vocabulary as well as listening comprehension, with songs written and performed by famous Greek composers and singers. You will listen to Greek songs "what is Greek Rembetika, Laika and Entechna Music".
(Note: if you prefer one single eBook, then go to the 2nd page of the "Omilo Publications")