Learn The Modern Greek Alphabet – With The Multi-Media eBook

The Greek alphabet is unique and special. It has survived thousands of years without significant changes. Learning to read a language with a different alphabet can be an intimidating process. Even before you can start to study the Greek vocabulary and grammar, you must first put some energy into learning to read the new letters.
However, learning the Greek Alphabet is not that difficult, since it is still based on 24 letters, as most European Alphabets.
With this multi-media eBook, you will get all the tools to learn the Modern Greek Alphabet from your home, at your ease.
It includes:
- 3 Videos; with the videos, you will learn the Modern Greek Alphabet and can repeat as many times as you want
video 1: each letter of the Greek alphabet (24) is explained in a systematic way,
video 2: the different combinations of vowels,
video 3: the different combinations of consonants. - Exercises: after every video, you will find words to practice, as well as homework with an answer key.
- 6 Audio files: the reading exercises are accompanied by audio files, so you can practice and listen to the correct pronunciation by a native teacher.
- More videos and useful vocabulary: more materials to practice reading and pronouncing the Greek alphabet, as well as learning the numbers, days of the week, a useful word, and Greek words you can also find in other languages.
- Bonus: two extra eBooks: “Everyday Greek Wishes” and “Greek Wishes For Social Occasions”. They teach you a lot of useful vocabulary you can use on a regular basis in Greece., including Audio-link.
Printable eBook
27 pages, including video and audio links
Ready for a new fun challenge? With this multi-media eBook, you will get all the tools to learn the Modern Greek Alphabet from your home, at your ease.
It is much easier than it looks like...so why wait longer?