Free eBook + Audio « Greek Wishes for Social Occasions »

Omilo is all about inspiring and motivating people to learn Greek.
We believe it is important not only to learn vocabulary and grammar, but to actually start putting the theory into practice from the very beginning.
Wishes for social occasions
If you have been around Greeks, most likely you have already heard the popular wish «Χρόνια πολλά». You can use this wish for birthdays, name days, New Year, Christmas and generally on all social occasions and religious celebrations. Apart from «Χρόνια πολλά», there is a wide variety of wishes in Greek which are used on specific occasions.
What will you learn?
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to extend greetings, wishes, thanks, or a “Happy Name Day!” to your Greek
friends in their language, whether on the phone, on social media or in person?
When you express such a wish, you will not only get a better feeling for what it means to be Greek, but you will also experience a more authentic way of communicating with Greeks. And this is exactly what you want, isn’t it?
In this eBook you will find Greek wishes in both Greek and in Greeklish (Greek written in the Latin alphabet). We also give an English translation. You will learn wishes for occasions like birthdays, weddings & national holidays in Greece.
You can read this handout while listening at the same time to the audio text for the correct pronun- ciation in Greek.
For all language levels
This lesson might be difficult for beginners and easy for advanced learners, but we believe the vocabulary is useful for every language level.
Is this really free? Absolutely!
We would just like to share with you some knowledge that we hope you’ll find useful and that gives you the motivation to start speaking Greek.
Keep us in mind next time you need more Greek language learning support!